New Email Service- DuqLawWireA Message from the Director:
Dear Law Students:
The Center for Legal Information (the Center) serves as a gateway to legal information, and a quiet and inspiring environment for your study and research. Our web site provides you with comprehensive and in-depth links to our on-line catalog, our subscription databases, and official and critical unofficial legal sites on the Internet. It is fair to say that you have all the legal information resources you need for your study and research at the Center.
Now, we are adding a new service which will help you stay abreast of the newest developments in legal information and legal research skills. It is called DuqLawWire. On a regular basis, we will send to your email account the latest developments and news alerts in the Center and the legal information world: on services, research tips and other vital information that may help your study and research.
We welcome your feedback on this new service. The editor for DuqLawWire is Ms. Jamie Yoder, the Reference and Circulation System Librarian, x5686. email:
yoderj@duq.eduWith best wishes,
Frank Y. Liu
Director and Professor of Law